Monday 14 November 2011

Urban Signs and Signals

  • Literal- A symbol of yellow against black, or black against yellow (positive or negative space) with the word 'Biohazard'
  • Abstract- The symbol looks like bio fumes escaping from a container in very basic form
  • Cultural- This is a recognized symbol meaning 'Bio hazard', Yellow is a caution color and is very luminous like some sort of bio waste

  • Literal- a basic sillouette of a man digging drom a pile of something in a road hazard triangle
  • Abstract- There is a running joke (not a funny one) that this depicts a man opening an umbrella, the black and white contrast are perfect contrasts so makes it more recognisable
  • Cultural- The red triangle is a recognised hazzard sign

  • Literal- A Grafitti style 'A' circled in red, unprofessional 
  • Abstract- The dashed Font looks agressive and amatuer as if done in a 'zorro' style
  • Cultural- This is the symbol for anarchism, the symbol is usually put up in a hurry just to assert their prescence so the symbol is usually rushed like this
  • Literal-A symbolic approach to a hand being corroded by acid, Yellow and black hazzard colours
  • Abstract- The Acid appears to corrode the flesh and object very prominently
  • Cultural- This advises caution mainly in science labs and is recognized around the world even as just a symbol because of the simplicity
  • Literal- A used toilet roll with an...(ahem) funny message
  • Abstract- the message personifies the situation that we have all been in and applies instant humour because of its recognition
  • Cultural- Because we have all been in this situation of modern days we recognize the humor in the situation

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