Monday 14 November 2011

Scientific Images or Optical illusions

  • Literal- A black and white patter that gives the 3D illusion of a sphere
  • Abstract- A Spere made from dice patterns
  • Cultural- All Optical illusions work because of our depth perception, they work because of the human eye and cause us to gain metaphorical meaning such as 'things are not as they seem' 

  • Literal- arrangement of 4 black square outlines or a mixture of black and grey squares
  • Abstract- 4 3D cubular pyramids
  • Cultural- Makes you think 'are the pyramids 3d toward me? or hollow going away indented?

  • Literal-4 Circles missing 90 degree chunks
  • Abstract- The portions give the illusion that a white square is present, however it is the negative space, our brain completes the shape
  • Cultural- Used in visual exercise, it is difficult to see the circles without seeing the square

  • Literal- a green circle with a blue dot at its centre
  • Abstract- a green splurge of colour, if you stare at the blue dot in the middle it disappeares after shrinking
  • Cultural- tells us about our colour perception

  • Literal- A man standing on a triancular pyramid shape over a huge drop in turrain or a man standing on a specific point in a floor painting
  • Abstract- the man appears to be ballancing on a thrusted object over a huge drop in the ground, this could be eluding an 'into the void' theme and makes us think about what he may be about to do
  • Cultural- the image will only work from looking at it from the point of the camera, the actual image is much wider but gives the illusion of depth

  • Literal- An organisation of black and white blocks intersected by slanted rows of lines
  • Abstract- The rows appear to be moving even tough they are static
  • Cultural- the difference in colour causes us to percieve motion where there is none

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