Monday 14 November 2011

Good examples of Design

  • Literal- Individual parts of a vehicle
  • Abstract- Shows the many parts used to build a kart
  • Cultural- This is known as an explosion and is used in design, this helps to understand how to build a car
  • Literal- A red and yellow Logo involving an 'S' and a shild shape
  • Abstract- A strong symbol, metalic glowing in some way
  • Cultural- The superman logo, a symbol of strength and hope in the fictitious comic book world
  • Literal- A grand building design, the sydney opera house
  • Abstract- The building embodies the sound waves coming from the building and the lighting makes it something extraordinary
  • Cultural- One of the most recognizable designs, an australian landmark
  • Literal- a balding man with a tattoo of a man with a lawmower
  • Abstract- The Tattoo appears to  be cutting his hair with the lawnmower
  • Cultural- this is an example of finding humor in a situation, shows the man has a humorous personality and doesn't take himself seriously
  • Literal- A Grecian warrior with white skin and a red tattoo desgn, the background shows a storm
  • Abstract- The figure appears to stand strong against the storm (metaphorical) and appears strong as he carries huge thallic weapons
  • Cultural- The character is Kratos from the God of War series, the character faces immense struggles and battles and so this is a very basic example of pathetic phallacy in realation to the weather, also his stance is very solid to show his strength of character

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